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Dalībnieka diskusija:Varlaam

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Sorry, but the quality of the article you`ve created is not acceptable. Maybe I should have pointed you to translation guidelines in the first place. In our community we favour quality over quantity and at the same time as we all are volunteers, we don`t feel like cleaning up other people`s mess. If you think you can produce quality article by copy-pasting - fine, but it is not acceptable, if we have to translate half of the article for you. Please, remember that in future ~~Xil (saruna) 19:04, 23 februārī, 2011 (UTC)

I have to say that that is a truly bizarre reaction.
No other language community has responded in that way. Not one.
As I said, it takes as little as 1 day for a native language speaker with a university library catalogue to finish the table.
Varlaam 19:17, 23 februārī, 2011 (UTC)
Ukrainian is next.
Nobody is complaining that you have done ``shitty translation``, but that most of the article hasn`t been translated at all. Yes, there are plenty small Wikipedias that accept any kind of information, but as I said here we value quality, not crosswiki spam. I believe libary catalougues are accesible for you as well.~~Xil (saruna) 19:32, 23 februārī, 2011 (UTC)
And BTW you seemed like a reasonable person, who wouldn`t do such a thing. I was warning you for the future reference, nobody minds having the article, if you finish what you have started ~~Xil (saruna) 20:16, 23 februārī, 2011 (UTC)
I did MORE work on my Latvian page than I did on this page in any other language.
If I receive different information from different Latvian sources, then I cannot differentiate. I cannot know that THIS Latvian source is more reliable than THAT Latvian source.
Only a Latvian can know that.
And so a well-educated local person always has to make the final version that is perfect.
I can never create a perfect page in any language except English.
Varlaam 04:09, 25 aprīlī, 2011 (UTC)

Kādēļ jāliek saites uz rakstu kas marķēts kā dzēšamas?/Why put links to articles which have been labeled as erasable?

"Labelled as erasable"? I don't understand.
Is that a concept at Latvian WP?
If we have the same concept at English WP, it is not called that.
Varlaam 04:12, 25 aprīlī, 2011 (UTC)
He probably wanted to say that we don't link articles, which are considered for deletion. But I haven't heard about that like point here in Latvian WP (sorry for my bad English).
Jautājums "savējiem" — tas tač nav tāds notiekums (gan jau kādreiz būs sakarīgs raksts).--FRK (runas/darbi) 05:18, 25 aprīlī, 2011 (UTC)

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